picture life

[Picture Life] Tree Farm | Orange County Documentary Photographer

My derby sister Fish AKA Meg invited me to her family's tree hunting outing recently and I had such a hoot chasing little Delaney through the rows of pine trees. It was a joy to photograph their family during this annual tradition they have.

If you are interested in booking your authentic session at home, or on an adventure, drop me a line!

Thank you for stopping by. Check out our Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.

Sarah C.

[Picture Life] Sara Christine at 4 months old!

Hey everyone! Thank you for checking out my blog. I apologize for being MIA lately. I was out of the country for a couple weeks early summer filming a couple documentaries and have been working at my normal 9-5 desk job a lot so I haven't had many photo or video shoots recently. I am pleased to share these photos of this adorable 4 month old, Sara Christine! 

Ericka is a co-worker of mine and when she went on leave of absence to have Sara, we decided that once she was born I would take some photos of her. I went to her home on Sunday, August 16th, and was greeted by her family. Ericka shares a home with her honey, her parents, and there were cousins and nieces all around, showering miss Sara with Love. It was such a joy to be around their family and capture the cuteness that is Sara. Without further ado, enjoy these photos! 

I hope you enjoyed this bundle of joy as much as I did taking these photos. Which one was your favorite?
If you would like to book a photo shoot, please contact me. 

Melanie de Arakal - Class of 2015!

Melanie is a great friend from my college: Chapman University. Her and I met in Broadcast News class right after we both transferred and teamed up on all our projects. Mel is a pro in front of the camera while I was better behind the camera, so we made a great team! She introduced me to Sherlock Holmes (the Benedict Cumberbatch tv show), and we bond over nerd stuff like Zelda and Star Wars. She's one of my favorite redheads and I was honored to be asked to take her senior portraits this year. This girl is going to go far in the PR world and I am very proud of her for finishing her degree! This girl can definitely rock a sequin dress, by the way. Am I right?

If you have a student from the Class of 2016 (or you are a student), contact me for Senior Portraits for later this year or Spring next year! 

[Picture Life] Elodie Turns 1!

Elodie (Rhymes with Melody) turned 1 recently and I was thrilled to take some lifestyle photos for this family. Heather and I were part of the same roller derby league before I broke my leg and before she became a mom. She fit into the mom role quite nicely and her little bundle of joy is too precious for words so let me show you some photos!