
Top 4 activities for a Winter Day-in the Life session

Winter and the holiday season is such a special time of year. We spend time with loved ones and do specific activities that can only be done during this season. We also partake in certain traditions we were raised with or create our own. These traditions and special moments deserve to be cherished.

I’ve put together a short list of ideas of how you can document this special time of year with those you love:

1.Picking out a Tree from Tree Lot/Farm

2. Decorating your Christmas Tree/ your home with Holiday decor!

3. Making Hot Cocoa

4. Simply existing/thriving in the holiday season

Additional Ideas:
- Baking and Decorating Cookies
- Playing in the Snow (if that’s possible near you)
- Ice Skating
- Holiday crafts

If you’re interested in booking a Winter storytelling session with your family, let’s chat! We can talk on the phone/zoom to discuss your ideas or feel free to go ahead and book if you know what you’re looking for!

Hope you have a wonderful holiday season with those you love!

Leave a comment and let me know what traditions you and your family do.

Sarah Jean

[Picture Life] with the Stevens Family | Orange County Family Photographer

Amy reached out to me to take photographs on her family including the cutie, Bennett! There’s a great park right behind their backyard so we went on a little adventure, had dinner, and then bed time!

I love capturing a day for a family like this. It shows how everyone interacts together and is a great way to freeze this moment in time to cherish for years to come.