dodge college

Melanie de Arakal - Class of 2015!

Melanie is a great friend from my college: Chapman University. Her and I met in Broadcast News class right after we both transferred and teamed up on all our projects. Mel is a pro in front of the camera while I was better behind the camera, so we made a great team! She introduced me to Sherlock Holmes (the Benedict Cumberbatch tv show), and we bond over nerd stuff like Zelda and Star Wars. She's one of my favorite redheads and I was honored to be asked to take her senior portraits this year. This girl is going to go far in the PR world and I am very proud of her for finishing her degree! This girl can definitely rock a sequin dress, by the way. Am I right?

If you have a student from the Class of 2016 (or you are a student), contact me for Senior Portraits for later this year or Spring next year!