
[Picture Life] Sara Christine at 4 months old!

Hey everyone! Thank you for checking out my blog. I apologize for being MIA lately. I was out of the country for a couple weeks early summer filming a couple documentaries and have been working at my normal 9-5 desk job a lot so I haven't had many photo or video shoots recently. I am pleased to share these photos of this adorable 4 month old, Sara Christine! 

Ericka is a co-worker of mine and when she went on leave of absence to have Sara, we decided that once she was born I would take some photos of her. I went to her home on Sunday, August 16th, and was greeted by her family. Ericka shares a home with her honey, her parents, and there were cousins and nieces all around, showering miss Sara with Love. It was such a joy to be around their family and capture the cuteness that is Sara. Without further ado, enjoy these photos! 

I hope you enjoyed this bundle of joy as much as I did taking these photos. Which one was your favorite?
If you would like to book a photo shoot, please contact me. 

[Picture LIFE] Makenzie

I am really excited to share these photos with you all! Makenzie is the 8 month old daughter of one of my best and oldest friends. Sashka and I met in pre-school and have kept in touch these past 20 years! We are only 10 days apart and have referred to one another as twiny for quite some time now. I was blessed to be part of her wedding back in 2010 in Oregon. Now Sashka, Larry, and Makenzie live in Oregon but are looking to move for grad school. I selfishly pray they move to SoCal so I can be part of my little niece's life and be closer to Sashka again. Alright, enough talk, please enjoy these: 

Best photo I got of those GORGEOUS blue eyes!

Best photo I got of those GORGEOUS blue eyes!


Thanks for checking out my blog :) 


- S