wedding videographer

[Picture Love] Emily & Andrew Green | Montana Wedding

Emily and I met over a decade ago and when she asked me to photograph AND film her wedding in Montana, it was a done deal! I had never documented with both mediums for a wedding before, by myself no-less. It was a challenge but was so much fun. The bridal party was a hoot and so laid back. Other than the mosquitoes in the evening, I really enjoyed my time in Montana. Everyone was so welcoming and lovely. OH! It was a sunflower wedding, my favorite!

Check out some of the photos and highlight video below.


If you are interested in booking your wedding, near or far, drop me a line!

Thank you for stopping by. Check out our Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.

Sarah C.

[Picture Love] with the Jepsens

Taylor has been a good friend of mine since I have lived in Orange County (9 years of friendship). I was absolutely thrilled to be her wedding videographer. Her and Jason are a truly wonderful and loving couple. It was a magical day full of laughter, love, and fun! I had a blast hanging out with them and their loved ones. Check out their highlight video below!

Thank you for stopping by. Check out our Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.

Sarah C.