
Jaz asked and Mel said YES! | Orange County, CA

Hey bestie! 🌈 Today, I'm bursting with excitement to share a magical love story that unfolded right in the heart of Anaheim. My dear friends Jaz & Mel invited me to document the unforgettable moment when Jaz asked Mel to spend forever together, and let me tell you – it was nothing short of extraordinary.

A Street Corner, A Kiss, and A Proposal: Jaz & Mel's Love Story

Picture this: the bustling streets of Anaheim, the energy of the crowd, and a love that defied the ordinary. Jaz chose the very spot where they shared their first kiss, right outside the Anaheim Packing House, to pop the question. The result? Pure magic.

Behind the Scenes: A Surprise Proposal and an Unforgettable Engagement Party

When Jaz called and asked if I'd document their proposal, I jumped at the chance! The planning unfolded seamlessly, and the proposal took place at that meaningful street corner. Following the big "yes," Jaz surprised Mel with an engagement party surrounded by their closest friends and family – a celebration filled with laughter, love, and a grand ol' time.

Countdown to 2024: Capturing Love Beyond Measure

As we eagerly await Jaz & Mel's wedding in 2024, I invite you to savor the moments from their surprise proposal. If you're LGBTQ and planning your own magical moment, consider the profound benefits of having a queer wedding photographer – one who understands and cherishes the beauty of your love story.

Closing Thoughts

Jaz & Mel's surprise proposal wasn't just a moment; it was a celebration of love, friendship, and the joyous journey ahead. If you're ready to capture your love story authentically, let's chat!


Every wedding client receives a Complimentary Engagement Session included in their services package so that we can get used to working together prior to your wedding day!

If you are interested in learning more about my wedding photography services, let’s chat! If you are in Southern California I would love to meet you and your beloved, in person to learn more about how I can serve you on your wedding day!

Here's to love that surprises and delights,

[Picture LOVE in MOTION] Cori & Kristal Proposal

Here's a fun story!
Kristal (gal in the red shirt) has been a great friend of mine for about 4 years. She planned on celebrating her birthday early with friends at Disneyland. Well Cori, her girlfriend, decided to hijack her birthday celebration with a proposal. So everyone was in on the surprise and Kristal was absolutely clueless! I showed up just in time for Cori to pop the question at Snow White's wishing well and well...why don't you watch the video and see what happened for yourself. 


I am so excited for you two! I wish you the very best and look forward to when you'll be able to legally marry here in California!