Women's March 2017 - Orange County, CA | Orange County Documentary Photographer

Today was one of the best days of my life. It was such an honor to be part of history where in 60 countries around the world, over 3 million people marched on behalf of women. I marched in Santa Ana, CA (Orange County) with over 20,000 people of all ages, race, creed, ability, and sexuality. I was in awe of my community coming together for me and all women.

As one speaker proclaimed, "This was a coming out party for the allegiance of social justice warriors."

I didn't see any "official" press at our event. Surprise, surprise. So I took part in documenting and being the people's press. It's important that our voices be heard, and our ideas shared.

Enjoy and please share!

Thank you for visiting and supporting.

You can follow my work on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.


Be good to one another.

[Picture Life] on Friday the 13th

"Friday the 13th" brings up different thoughts for everyone. For some, it's horror films, and others fear it will be an unlucky day. Some people just go about their Friday normally.  For me, I think about $13 tattoos! For the past few of years I have gotten 4 of these simple design tattoos. So yesterday I met some friends at a tattoo shop in Costa Mesa for some tattoo fun!

Now, I realize I didn't get any photos of the final tattoos (except mine) but I really wanted to focus on the energy of the day. I hope you enjoy!

Agape Art Collective - Costa Mesa, CA

Agape Art Collective - Costa Mesa, CA

Jon with Aaron behind

Jon with Aaron behind

The boys patiently waiting. We waited a total of 3 hours! [L to R: Jon, Jeremiah, Aaron]

The boys patiently waiting. We waited a total of 3 hours! [L to R: Jon, Jeremiah, Aaron]

Aaron stole my camera and took some photos including this one.

Aaron stole my camera and took some photos including this one.

This is our tattooer, Sal. He was rad and down to earth.

This is our tattooer, Sal. He was rad and down to earth.

Aaron stole my camera again and snapped this of me.

Aaron stole my camera again and snapped this of me.

I always love checking out tattooer's stations. The artwork on their wall tells a lot about what kind of artist/person they are.

I always love checking out tattooer's stations. The artwork on their wall tells a lot about what kind of artist/person they are.

And now the prep begins for my tattoo!

And now the prep begins for my tattoo!

Thank you Aaron for snapping away while it was my turn!

Thank you Aaron for snapping away while it was my turn!

yum! I have a deep love for pizza and I am pretty stoked on this new tattoo :)

yum! I have a deep love for pizza and I am pretty stoked on this new tattoo :)

Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of my personal life!

I am available for hire in little adventures like this so drop me a line and we can discuss working together.

Keep up with me on
Facebook and Instagram for daily updates. 

Until next time!


[Picture Life] with The Guimonds & Powell Families | Orange County Family Photographer

This is a Sunday afternoon, well spent! Sunshine, planes overhead, and two loving families ready for some portraits!

I met these families under sorrowful circumstances. We have a mutual friend who recently died. His mother, Lynda, gifted Heather and Terra and their families with a photo session this holiday season. I was thrilled to spend some time with them and capture some special memories.

We decided to shoot at Back Bay in Newport Beach where I photographed Michael this summer to pay tribute to our friend. I am stoked on these photos, so enjoy! 

First we have The Guimonds. This trio was so much fun. I let the little one take the lead and he did a marvelous job. 


and now for The Powells


Thanks for visiting! If you would like to book a family session, contact me!

Keep up with me on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates. 


Until next time!


Rest in Peace Michael Powell

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post.

Michael Powell was a fellow photographer, an avid hiker, healthy Paleo eater, musician, and most importantly, my friend. On Oct 19th news broke out on Facebook that Michael had died on Oct. 18th after submitting Mt. Whitney late Oct 17th. Michael was young (36), and so full of life. I still feel hurt and angry knowing he was taken from this world far too early. He wasn't able to climb all the mountains he wanted to, or create all the music he planned to, and he and I will never be able to work together again.  But I take comfort in the fact that he was doing what he loved and he was in a good place in life. As his mother put it, "he had no unfinished business."

Michael let me interview him for a documentary I made earlier this year in which he talked about his struggles with weight, and how he had found a healthy lifestyle he really enjoyed: Paleo diet and hiking for exercise. 

As a "Thank You" for his time, we set up a photoshoot this summer for new headshots/promo photos for his photography business. He was such a kind and supportive soul. There was so much promise in his photography work and music. I'm glad I got to spend time with him while he graced the earth with his wonderful spirit. 

On Sunday November 6th, over 300 people gathered at Irvine Park in Orange, CA to Celebrate the life of Michael Powell. It was a beautiful event filled with potluck style food, friends of Michael from different times in his life, photographs that people brought to share, and of course, stories upon stories honoring this great man.  I wish I knew him longer and knew him more. You will be missed my friend.

So honored to have my photo displayed. 

So honored to have my photo displayed. 

Michael with his mom Linda and her husband Don

Michael with his mom Linda and her husband Don

Over 300 beautiful souls who came to celebrate Michael Powell

Over 300 beautiful souls who came to celebrate Michael Powell

Thank you for checking out these photos. It means a lot to me to be able to share something personal with the world and be able to express my grief through photographs. 

Happy Sweet Sixteen Birthday Gilmore Girls!

Today marks 16 years since the premiere of my favorite TV show, Gilmore Girls. Netflix sponsored a country-wide takeover in various coffee shops to transform them into Luke's Diner for the first half of the day. For those that don't know this show, it's a dramedy (drama/comedy) centered around the everyday lives of a close knit mother-daughter pair in a small town surrounded by beautifully quirky people over the span of 7 years. Luke's Diner is a vital part of the Gilmore girls' daily routine where they get some coffee, help themselves to the occasional donut, and tease the owner, Luke.

My bestie Veronica and I bond over GG. She is witty, motivated, beautiful, and smart just like Lorelai. She's person I want to go to Luke's with (other than the "real" Lorelai & Rory Gilmore).

My bestie Veronica and I bond over GG. She is witty, motivated, beautiful, and smart just like Lorelai. She's person I want to go to Luke's with (other than the "real" Lorelai & Rory Gilmore).

She waited in line with me for 2.5 hours for a cup of coffee from our favorite fictional coffee shop/diner.

She waited in line with me for 2.5 hours for a cup of coffee from our favorite fictional coffee shop/diner.

Cafe Virtuosa in San Diego was one of many coffee shops transformed by Netflix.

Cafe Virtuosa in San Diego was one of many coffee shops transformed by Netflix.

iPhone 6s+ photo, edited in Instagram

iPhone 6s+ photo, edited in Instagram

Coffee, please, and a shot of cynicism.
— Lorelai
Luke made an exception to his strict No Cell Phone policy today and we were thankful. 

Luke made an exception to his strict No Cell Phone policy today and we were thankful. 

Coffee-coffee-coffee is a saying. Like an exaggeration. It’s a funny, desperate cry for caffeine. It’s just my thing.
— Lorelai
Chai Latte with Soy for Veronica and While Mocha with Almond Milk for Kurt (aka me).

Chai Latte with Soy for Veronica and While Mocha with Almond Milk for Kurt (aka me).

I can’t stop drinking the coffee, I stop drinking coffee, I stop doing the standing, and the walking, and the words-putting-into-sentences doing.
— Lorelai

It was a lovely morning spent with one of my favorite people, at a temporary version of our favorite fictional coffee shop/diner. Hope you enjoyed this personal blog post.

Feel free to leave a comment and share your personal favorite Gilmore girls quote, character, moment, or your pick for Rory's partner. #TeamJess

Thank you for visiting. Keep up with me on Facebook and Instagram