
Stroll down memory lane with me

I absolutely LOVE being nostalgic. Nostalgic for memories. Don't get me wrong, I love my life right now, but I find so much joy looking at candid photos of my childhood and adolescence. I was blessed with being in a loving home with memories I truly cherish. So I view all photos as a gift because of the everlasting gift it gives me.


This was “newborn photography” in 1988.


I have tons of photos of just me and my mom or me and my dad but the only ones of us all together are posed photos in a portrait studio or another person took them real quick to commemorate that moment of us all together. Those annual photos are to mark each year so that we have a chronological view of our loved ones. I know this to be true of everyone reading this blog post. I believe there is so much more to gleam from family photos than just a static view of the passing of time.

Studio Portraits

Homemade Portraits

I'm so glad someone was taking photos of me growing up but I definitely wish I had candid photos from a professional so that all of my family was able to be present in the moment.

The candid photos are what make my heart soar! This is why I focus on candids in my own photography.

During a sibling Christmas photo session I had a total meltdown!

Swing dancing with my best friend at a middle school dance. Still friends to this day! This photo takes me back to those days at dances of trying to get boys to notice me while also having a blast with my friends.

These photos I have are mostly from big events and holidays. Typically we don’t think to take photos of the small intimate moments because we are busy being IN the moment. What I wouldn’t give to have photos from my night time routine with my mom as a child or photos of me practicing pitching softball with my dad. Those everyday moments also bring me a ton of joy but they are buried deep in my ADHD brain. It’s the simple truth that I have a better memory if I have a photo as proof of the moment. With the photos I can unlock the feelings I had doing whatever I am doing in the photo and feelings I had about the people there with me.

This is Darren, one of my best childhood friends. We lost touch mid- High School and he has since passed away. I cherish this candid photo of us getting ready for the Portuguese Festa that he walked in with me.

It’s been a tradition to have a picnic twice a year with my mom’s side of the family. Once on Easter and during Labor Day weekend. I am seen here hugging my grandma. Her and my grandpa have since passed and the Labor Day picnics always landed near her birthday. They are a bittersweet event nowadays.

We have been tricked into thinking that there are only two ways to have family photos:

  1. Photos taken on our phones or point and shoot cameras taken by a family member or handed to a stranger to snap quickly. These photos live on our phones/computers and maybe printed in a box somewhere (those kids from the 90s can relate!). They have memories attached to them that make them special and necessary.

  2. Professional photos in a studio or on location with planned outfits and everyone saying “CHEESE” hoping there’s a few decent shots with all eyes open and pretty smiles. These photos get printed and displayed in our homes to show off to visitors. They are high quality but the purpose they serve is largely to document what your family looks like and to document milestones through the years.

I am here to tell you that there is a third option!

3. Professional candid photos. Blend the first two options together! With this option, you can have beautiful high quality photographs that will last. You can feel proud to show them off on your walls and know that these photos are showing your authentic life.

I used to sell lemonade in front of my house. How precious is this moment?!

Think to yourself, how can I honor my loved ones and their memory? Is it through photographs? Photographs that hold memories close? If so, I would love to talk about what that means for you and how I can help.

I was a stylish kid on Easter in the early 90’s. That hallway in my grandparents house was such an important part of that house. It was narrow and used constantly and thinking about gatherings of dozens of family members moving through that house in a place I’ll never step foot in again… bring tears to my eyes.

Thank you for strolling down memory lane with me. If you feel inspired to chat about booking your own day-in-the-life sessions where I document all the little and big moments, let’s chat! If you are interested in booking me for year-round sessions, subscribe to my year in the life service!

Rest in Peace Michael Powell

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post.

Michael Powell was a fellow photographer, an avid hiker, healthy Paleo eater, musician, and most importantly, my friend. On Oct 19th news broke out on Facebook that Michael had died on Oct. 18th after submitting Mt. Whitney late Oct 17th. Michael was young (36), and so full of life. I still feel hurt and angry knowing he was taken from this world far too early. He wasn't able to climb all the mountains he wanted to, or create all the music he planned to, and he and I will never be able to work together again.  But I take comfort in the fact that he was doing what he loved and he was in a good place in life. As his mother put it, "he had no unfinished business."

Michael let me interview him for a documentary I made earlier this year in which he talked about his struggles with weight, and how he had found a healthy lifestyle he really enjoyed: Paleo diet and hiking for exercise. 

As a "Thank You" for his time, we set up a photoshoot this summer for new headshots/promo photos for his photography business. He was such a kind and supportive soul. There was so much promise in his photography work and music. I'm glad I got to spend time with him while he graced the earth with his wonderful spirit. 

On Sunday November 6th, over 300 people gathered at Irvine Park in Orange, CA to Celebrate the life of Michael Powell. It was a beautiful event filled with potluck style food, friends of Michael from different times in his life, photographs that people brought to share, and of course, stories upon stories honoring this great man.  I wish I knew him longer and knew him more. You will be missed my friend.

So honored to have my photo displayed. 

So honored to have my photo displayed. 

Michael with his mom Linda and her husband Don

Michael with his mom Linda and her husband Don

Over 300 beautiful souls who came to celebrate Michael Powell

Over 300 beautiful souls who came to celebrate Michael Powell

Thank you for checking out these photos. It means a lot to me to be able to share something personal with the world and be able to express my grief through photographs. 

Happy Sweet Sixteen Birthday Gilmore Girls!

Today marks 16 years since the premiere of my favorite TV show, Gilmore Girls. Netflix sponsored a country-wide takeover in various coffee shops to transform them into Luke's Diner for the first half of the day. For those that don't know this show, it's a dramedy (drama/comedy) centered around the everyday lives of a close knit mother-daughter pair in a small town surrounded by beautifully quirky people over the span of 7 years. Luke's Diner is a vital part of the Gilmore girls' daily routine where they get some coffee, help themselves to the occasional donut, and tease the owner, Luke.

My bestie Veronica and I bond over GG. She is witty, motivated, beautiful, and smart just like Lorelai. She's person I want to go to Luke's with (other than the "real" Lorelai & Rory Gilmore).

My bestie Veronica and I bond over GG. She is witty, motivated, beautiful, and smart just like Lorelai. She's person I want to go to Luke's with (other than the "real" Lorelai & Rory Gilmore).

She waited in line with me for 2.5 hours for a cup of coffee from our favorite fictional coffee shop/diner.

She waited in line with me for 2.5 hours for a cup of coffee from our favorite fictional coffee shop/diner.

Cafe Virtuosa in San Diego was one of many coffee shops transformed by Netflix.

Cafe Virtuosa in San Diego was one of many coffee shops transformed by Netflix.

iPhone 6s+ photo, edited in Instagram

iPhone 6s+ photo, edited in Instagram

Coffee, please, and a shot of cynicism.
— Lorelai
Luke made an exception to his strict No Cell Phone policy today and we were thankful. 

Luke made an exception to his strict No Cell Phone policy today and we were thankful. 

Coffee-coffee-coffee is a saying. Like an exaggeration. It’s a funny, desperate cry for caffeine. It’s just my thing.
— Lorelai
Chai Latte with Soy for Veronica and While Mocha with Almond Milk for Kurt (aka me).

Chai Latte with Soy for Veronica and While Mocha with Almond Milk for Kurt (aka me).

I can’t stop drinking the coffee, I stop drinking coffee, I stop doing the standing, and the walking, and the words-putting-into-sentences doing.
— Lorelai

It was a lovely morning spent with one of my favorite people, at a temporary version of our favorite fictional coffee shop/diner. Hope you enjoyed this personal blog post.

Feel free to leave a comment and share your personal favorite Gilmore girls quote, character, moment, or your pick for Rory's partner. #TeamJess

Thank you for visiting. Keep up with me on Facebook and Instagram

[Picture LIFE] Adventure in the Redwoods

Over Thanksgiving break, my boyfriend and I traveled from Orange County to the Bay area. We spent a day in San Jose, a day in San Francisco, and half a day in Santa Cruz. I took a lot of photographs on my iPhone and posted them on my instagram: @picturesomething over the whole weekend 
Here's a mini session of Chris and I that we took on our drive through the Santa Cruz mountains. Enjoy! 


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- S