
Queer Love, Captured: A Glimpse into Jaz & Mel's Story | Orange County, CA

Hey Bestie! 🌈 Today, I'm beyond thrilled to share a sneak peek into the vibrant love story of my dear friends Jaz & Mel. These two incredible souls are gearing up to tie the knot in February 2024, and I had the honor of capturing their love during an unforgettable engagement session, starting with their proposal!

As a LGBT wedding photographer, witnessing and capturing these genuine connections holds a special place in my heart.

The Benefits of a Queer Wedding Photographer

1. Understanding and Empathy: Being part of the LGBTQIA+ community myself, I get it – the importance of representation and understanding. Hiring a queer wedding photographer ensures a shared experience, creating a safe and comfortable space to express your authentic love. I also understand nuances of complicated bio family relationships and maybe the fact that you want to elope instead of doing a big wedding celebration. However you celebrate, I can be there to capture it all!

2. Authentic Storytelling: Queer love stories deserve to be told authentically. I, as your photographer, bring a unique perspective, capturing the essence of your relationship with the respect and authenticity it deserves. Queer love is magical, there’s nothing quite like it!

3. Connection Beyond the Lens: Jaz & Mel felt an instant connection during our session, a connection that goes beyond the camera. As your queer wedding photographer, I'm not just here to snap pictures; I'm here to celebrate, support, and genuinely connect with you.

A Glimpse into the Love-Filled Session

Swipe through the photos to witness the joy, laughter, and undeniable love between Jaz & Mel. Every shot tells a story – a story of love that is magic.

Ready to Celebrate Your Unique Love Story?

If you're part of the LGBTQ+ community, consider the profound benefits of hiring a queer wedding photographer. Let's embark on a journey to capture your love story authentically, just like I did for Jaz & Mel. Reach out, and let's make your dream engagement or wedding or elopement a reality.

Closing Thoughts

Queer love is beautiful, unique, and deserving of celebration. As we dive into Jaz & Mel's engagement session, I invite you to envision your own love story being told through the lens of a photographer who understands and celebrates every shade of love.


Every wedding client receives a Complimentary Engagement Session included in their services package so that we can get used to working together prior to your wedding day!

If you are interested in learning more about my wedding photography services, let’s chat! If you are in Southern California I would love to meet you and your beloved, in person to learn more about how I can serve you on your wedding day!

Here's to magical love,

Jaz asked and Mel said YES! | Orange County, CA

Hey bestie! 🌈 Today, I'm bursting with excitement to share a magical love story that unfolded right in the heart of Anaheim. My dear friends Jaz & Mel invited me to document the unforgettable moment when Jaz asked Mel to spend forever together, and let me tell you – it was nothing short of extraordinary.

A Street Corner, A Kiss, and A Proposal: Jaz & Mel's Love Story

Picture this: the bustling streets of Anaheim, the energy of the crowd, and a love that defied the ordinary. Jaz chose the very spot where they shared their first kiss, right outside the Anaheim Packing House, to pop the question. The result? Pure magic.

Behind the Scenes: A Surprise Proposal and an Unforgettable Engagement Party

When Jaz called and asked if I'd document their proposal, I jumped at the chance! The planning unfolded seamlessly, and the proposal took place at that meaningful street corner. Following the big "yes," Jaz surprised Mel with an engagement party surrounded by their closest friends and family – a celebration filled with laughter, love, and a grand ol' time.

Countdown to 2024: Capturing Love Beyond Measure

As we eagerly await Jaz & Mel's wedding in 2024, I invite you to savor the moments from their surprise proposal. If you're LGBTQ and planning your own magical moment, consider the profound benefits of having a queer wedding photographer – one who understands and cherishes the beauty of your love story.

Closing Thoughts

Jaz & Mel's surprise proposal wasn't just a moment; it was a celebration of love, friendship, and the joyous journey ahead. If you're ready to capture your love story authentically, let's chat!


Every wedding client receives a Complimentary Engagement Session included in their services package so that we can get used to working together prior to your wedding day!

If you are interested in learning more about my wedding photography services, let’s chat! If you are in Southern California I would love to meet you and your beloved, in person to learn more about how I can serve you on your wedding day!

Here's to love that surprises and delights,

[Picture Love] Mrs & Mrs Cupa

Bettie and I skate together at High Tide Roller Derby. She entered our free LGBTQ+ family giveaway this past Pride month and won! One way her and her wife bond is by being tattooed by her. Bettie’s left arm is almost completely covered in tattooes that her wife did. How cool is that?! I absolutely love capturing people in their element and this session was no exception!

If you are interested in booking your authentic session at home, or on an adventure, drop me a line!

Thank you for stopping by. Check out our Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.

Sarah C.

[Picture Life] L.A. Pride 2018

This year was the first time I participated in celebrating Pride month as an out pansexual woman. My husband and I went to the festival on Saturday and then the parade on Sunday so I snapped a few photos to commemorate the magical occasion. 

Did you celebrate in your area? I would love to hear a few words about your experience this year! 

Thanks for visiting
xo Sarah