
[Picture Love] with the Jepsens

Taylor has been a good friend of mine since I have lived in Orange County (9 years of friendship). I was absolutely thrilled to be her wedding videographer. Her and Jason are a truly wonderful and loving couple. It was a magical day full of laughter, love, and fun! I had a blast hanging out with them and their loved ones. Check out their highlight video below!

Thank you for stopping by. Check out our Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.

Sarah C.

[Picture Passion] Dance

For my final project in one of my classes at Chapman University, I was instructed to make a 2-3 minute mini documentary about someone and something that they do. I chose to make a film about my friend Chloe and her passion for dancing. As I finished editing, I decided that I wanted this to be the first mini doc in a series about people and their passions. I absolutely Love when people are passionate about something and I want to capture that on film. So if you would like a short video showcasing your passion, let me know. Let's make it happen! 

Feel free to leave your comments below about this film or any suggestions of future films! 

[Picture LOVE in MOTION] Cori & Kristal Proposal

Here's a fun story!
Kristal (gal in the red shirt) has been a great friend of mine for about 4 years. She planned on celebrating her birthday early with friends at Disneyland. Well Cori, her girlfriend, decided to hijack her birthday celebration with a proposal. So everyone was in on the surprise and Kristal was absolutely clueless! I showed up just in time for Cori to pop the question at Snow White's wishing well and well...why don't you watch the video and see what happened for yourself. 


I am so excited for you two! I wish you the very best and look forward to when you'll be able to legally marry here in California!